Hi Judy (plus Sue and Diane),
I just had my first Colorado lesson on Winston (Wannadoo) and am so happy.
He is a joy to ride and I know he will teach me so much. He is also the most affectionate horse I have ever met. He really loves to be loved on!
What a gem! I am especially happy that he is settling in well despite the cold and yet another new environment. On Tuesday when he got his first time on the lunge line he really took advantage of the chance to let off the stress he had been under. I have never seen a horse display such athletic ability and literal “airs above the ground” that would have impressed even the Spanish Riding School! By the next day he was fine on the line and the next day Karen rode him. We will take things slow and easy, but so far he is doing very well and seems very happy.Thank you so much for all your help – I am so excited about all the new things that I will learn with Winston.I will try to keep you up to date a bit as things go on. DC is also doing very well, but Karen exercises him earlier in the day so I haven’t watched her ride him as yet.
All best wishes to you and your wonderful family!