Grand Prix

Grand Prix

Hi Judy,

I hope this finds you well.  Beth told me you have been having some health issues.  I hope you are on the mend.

I am writing to tell you that I have shown the Grand Prix (4 times now) with my wonderful horse Washington DC!!  I just wanted to write to you and thank you so much for helping me buy him.  He is so my horse.  He is funny, talented, quirky, sweet & so beautiful! He makes me laugh every day and it has been so much fun that he and I did our first Grand Prix together.  We did receive high enough scores this past weekend to have earned our USDF Gold Medal!

I will send some pictures in separate emails.  One that I will send is from a photo shoot we did at our barn.  He is so gorgeous, the picture looks like a painting!  I’ll send some pictures from the show as well.

Thank you again so very much!


Karen Whitman